In the past couple weeks, I have had a lot of "new" stuff coming at me. Is it just because it's spring? Is it that the pace of spring is so FAST this year? It feels like nearly May out there, not the end of March. I have herbs (herbal medicines, native healing weeds) growing from seed and just going nuts! I feel like I'm two-three weeks behind- rushing to plant them, find beds and perfect sites for them . But I'm not late- the mam Earth, Miss Spring herself is training this year. Probably because of some nasty planetary things- global warming, weather shifts- but regardless, the non-winter is gone. And Miss Spring is in the house, playing and prancing. Get on it, she yells with pom-poms waving!
Whitebuds |
This week I'm on Jeremy Taylor's 'About the House' radio show. We are doing a spring 'Outside' episode, devoted to the outdoors. It's got me thinking: what are the important parts of a garden? What should our outdoor environments offer us?
This is in the format of advice and also self-reflection. So....Here are the high points for me (so far)
Gardens should offer:
If you love a specific plant or color for that matter, consult a good gardener or designer (like MOI) for help in siting and growing that specimen. Then commit to that plant. You are much more likely to care for a plant when you love it. Don't get three or five. Just get one and love it, learn about it and pay attention to it. You'll be glad you did!
Surprises- Great garden spaces offer surprises. Remember curves and mystery, great views and surprising plants. This can be a gorgeous container with a large agave in it, sitting amidst a rock garden. Ya don't have to be much of a gardener to keep that up- you do have to dare to surprise though. Stop fussing with all the individual plants and just give me one great, framed view. Please consult a garden professional or your neighbor who is a master gardener- these are the makings of a great neighborhood! Garden professionals LOVE to talk like this!! Really. We are nuts.
Comfort- This could also be called Respite. Your little space should be a respite from the crazy world of work, kids, technology, etc. One element of respite and comfort is a nice place to sit and enjoy your outside space. If colors are what put you in the mood, plant flowers directly next to your bench or patio. And take time, find a great seat. This is your throne- spend a fortune if you want or sit on a footstool. Just make it a personal invitation to YOURSELF. Enjoy your time outside. Don't worry and pick at the imperfections of your space, just take a breath, enjoy the neighbor's lilacs and feel that warm spring air on your face.